
NCA Competitive Events

by | Feb 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

The Competitive Events Program is as motivational as it is instructional, providing guidance and inspiration for students while setting high goals for achievement.  The NCA Competitive Events are valuable tools to encourage members to improve their personal, leadership, and employability skills.

The goals of National Career Association Competitive Events are to:

  • Allow members the opportunity to demonstrate the personal, leadership, and employability skills developed through the JAG program and NCA
  • Help members understand the value of competition in a market-driven economy
  • Provide members with the opportunity to refine their skills before transitioning into the workplace
  • Provide recognition for outstanding individual and team performance and achievement
  • Provide members an opportunity to build their self-confidence through participation


2023-2024 Competitive Events Handbook

2023-2024 Competitive Events Update

Career Preparation

Members research a career and present why the career is the right fit for them.


Employability Skills

Members participate in a simulated employment interview.


Financial Literacy

Members test their financial literacy knowledge and skills through a multiple-choice test.


Prepared Speaking

Members prepare a speech and practice effective oral communication.


Business Plan

Teams develop and present a business plan to a set of judges.


Creative Decision Making

Teams apply problem-solving skills to create a solution to a hypothetical problem.


The L.O.V.E. Project

Teams identify community inequities and work together to make a positive impact.


Project Based Learning Showcase

Teams present a PBL project to a panel of judges.


NCA Knowledge Bowl

Teams test their JAG knowledge in a “buzzer style” competition.


NCA Outstanding Chapter

Chapters develop and present a publication that documents the plan of work for the membership year.


NCA National Service Project

Chapters support and raise awareness for a charitable organization.


The 2022-2023 Competitive Events were released on September 1, 2022.  Please refer to the 2022-2023 Competitive Event Update for changes to this year’s guidelines.