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National Career Development Conference

April 19-22, 2023 | Orlando, Florida

Below is a tentative agenda for the 2023 NCDC.  All times and events are subject to change.  The Competitive Events schedule will be released in January 2023.

Wednesday, April 19
8 AM – Noon               National Officer Candidate Exam
11 AM – 2 PM              CSA Registration
2 PM – 6 PM                National Officer Candidate Interviews
6 PM – 8 PM                Nominating Committee Meeting
6 PM – 8 PM                CSA/State Advisor Dinner
11 PM                            Curfew

Thursday, April 20
9 AM – Noon               Conference Registration
Noon – 5 PM                Career & College Expo
1 PM – 2 PM                Advisor Orientation
2 PM – 4 PM                Voting Delegate Meeting
7 PM                            Opening Session
11 PM                          Curfew

Friday, April 21
All Day                         Competitive Events (as scheduled)
9 AM – 5 PM                Career & College Expo
9 AM – 5 PM                Educational Workshops
3 PM – 6 PM                NCA Annual Business Session
11 PM                          Curfew

Saturday, April 22
All Day                         NCA Day in Orlando
7 PM                            Awards Session
10 PM                          Grand Awards Dance
12 AM                          Curfew