AT&T It Can Wait–No Text is Worth a Life!

by | Aug 4, 2014 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Fellow It Can Wait® Advocates, 

I’d like to extend our appreciation for your help last year in spreading the word about the It Can Wait movement! Working together, we’ve inspired more than 5 million pledges to never text and drive, more than half a million It Can Wait tweets, and over a million downloads of AT&T DriveMode® and other apps since the campaign began. More importantly, preliminary findings of collision data from Florida, Illinois and Texas suggest a statistical correlation between people sharing the It Can Wait message and projected crash reductions.

Since summer is the most dangerous season for drivers on the road, we’re calling on like-minded organizations to help us encourage drivers to stay safe behind the wheel.

What’s new this year?

We’ve renewed our focus on those most at risk — our youth. So, we’ve updated the look, feel and messaging of It Can Wait to be more relevant to teens where they live — digitally and socially. If you know teens, you know how attached they are to their cell phones, constantly texting throughout the day. So, we are introducing new tools to help drivers prevent texting “in the moment of temptation.” By posting #X in text messages, social media or email you are telling your friends you’re about to drive and can’t respond until you safely reach your destination. It can be used to pause a text string or in email.

How You Can Help

Quickly get the word out to your employees and members and encourage them to use #X as a tool before they drive. Visit the It Can Wait advocate portal to download a new email template that you can use to educate your employees and members on how to support the movement and share through Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Please also consider sharing these sample posts and images on your organization’s social media channels:Before you drive, post #X to signal that you are about to drive and can’t respond. #ItCanWait  Gearing Up for September

 #ItCanWait has inspired 5 million pledges to never text and drive! Make your personal commitment at

We’re proud of the impact we’ve made, but there is still work to be done to end this epidemic. Look out for additional communications from the It Can Wait team this summer about what you can do to participate in our annual day of action on September 19th.

No text is worth a life; thank you for helping us make our roads safer!