
Gov. Bryant Visits Lanier High, Talks with Jobs for Mississippi Graduates Class

by | Feb 12, 2015 | Uncategorized

JACKSON, Miss— Governor Phil Bryant sat in with Jobs for Mississippi Graduates students at Lanier High School in Jackson Tuesday. 

Students were speaking about their life goals, career dreams, and the reasons why people had to work. Some students said bills, some said to make money for hobbies, one said he wants to work for self-fulfillment.

Governor Bryant relayed his story the students. Bryant was born to a blue collar family. He was the first to graduate high school or college.

For many of these students, it is a similar story. The students involved in the Jobs for Mississippi Graduates program are considered high-risk for dropping out. That’s why Governor Phil Bryant says the program is in place in 52 Mississippi schools.

“We’ve got a ninety percent success rate,” says Governor Bryant, “when we reach out to a high-risk student, ninety percent of the time they reach graduation.”

But the success doesn’t stop there. Governor Bryant says that of those that graduate from the program, eighty percent find jobs.

Right now the Jobs for Mississippi Graduates program is in only 52 schools. Governor Bryant’s goal is to see 100 schools with the program. He’s proposing just over 1.3 million dollars to get more schools involved in the program.

The schools come up with the money to start the program in their school. The funding is then matched by the state.

Governor Bryant also heads the national Jobs for America's Graduates, and says he’s sharing the success of this program with other states.

Here’s what Governor Bryant says about the success of Jobs for Mississippi Graduates and his plans in going forward:

WJTV News Channel 12

Acknowledgements:  Channel 12 News, WJTV.com; Courtney Carter, newsms.