NCDC Competitive Event Judges
Interested in giving back and helping grow the next workforce generation? We need you! Jobs for America’s Graduates and the JAG Career Association (JAG CA) invite partners and friends to serve as judges at the National CDC.
The NCA Competitive Event Program could not be a success without the support from partners and friends who will serve as event judges for 600 expected competitors at the National CDC. With 11 judging opportunities and nearly 100 judge slots to fill, we greatly appreciate your willingness to assist. Judges with experience in interviewing, presentations, evaluating teamwork, and speaking skills are greatly needed!
- Business Plan
- Career Preparation
- Creative Decision-Making
- Employability Skills
- Financial Literacy
- L.O.V.E. Project
- NCA Knowledge Bowl
- NCA Service Project
- Outstanding NCA Chapter
- Project Based Learning Showcase
- Prepared Speaking
Time Commitment
Judging appointments will be scheduled on Thursday, April 18, and Friday, April 19, between 8 AM and 8 PM in 3-4 hour time blocks for in-person judging at the conference site.
Questions? Email