
July 8-12, 2024 | Las Vegas, NV

JAG is currently seeking exceptional workshop presenters. Corporate partners, JAG Specialists, Managers, and Administrators are encouraged to submit proposals for “best practice” workshops focusing on specific topics aimed at enhancing the functionality of the JAG Advantage program and educational and industry practices.

Workshop Details

  • Workshops are 60 minutes in length.
  • JAG will provide the following equipment upon request: LCD projector, screen, flip chart, and markers. 
  • Additional AV equipment, including a laptop, is the financial responsibility of the workshop presenter. You can purchase and arrange additional AV equipment directly with the AV company. Information on how to order and purchase additional equipment will be included in an email sent to you upon notification of your workshop being selected. 
  • All rooms will be set in rounds.

Workshop Proposal Guidelines

Submit a captivating workshop title with a 100-word description written in the third person to be included in the NTS app. Ensure the workshop is interactive and engaging.  Be succinct in your description as to what the participants will be able to do having attended your workshop.

Submission Timeline

Workshop Proposal Submissions are now closed.