The Job’s for Montana’s Graduates students at Helena High School in Helena, Montana spent the 2012-2013 school year as members of David’s Army. David Reed is a 7 year-old Smith Elementary student in Helena, Montana who was diagnosed with Leukemia. He is currently in Spokane Washington receiving treatment. The JMG students planned events throughout the year to help with David’s medical expenses. These activities included: selling wristbands, sponsoring a hat day, organizing a raffle, having a pie throwing contest, selling 50/50 tickets and concessions, passing buckets at sporting events for donations, as well as sending care packages to David.
The JMG students also applied for the Power to Learn Optimum Education Initiative and were informed that they were selected to participate in this year’s charity competition. As a result, they were awarded $1000 to go to David Reed with an additional $500.00 in seed monies to assist in their fundraising efforts. This contest promoted volunteerism and helped students to raise money for a charity of their choice. Throughout the school year the JMG students documented all of their fundraising efforts for David – which totaled $6,124.00.
In April, the HHS-JMG students submitted their portfolio to the Power to Learn program and were selected as a national winner in which they were recently awarded an additional $5.000. This was presented to David Reed and his family to assist with medical expenses. As the school year ends, the Helena High JMG students wish David Reed a full recovery and are pleased that they could assist in a small way with his medical expenses.
For more information, contact:
Lisa Parker, Career Specialist
Helena High School
Jobs for Montana’s Graduates
Helena, Montana