The Weight of the World poster was created by Sadie Adams, a junior in the JAG-Kansas program at Hutchinson High School in the State of Kansas. Sadie created the poster to enter in the 2014 JAG-K Poster competition at the Career Development Conference at the request of her Specialist, Ms. Joni Bolen who wrote: “As Sadie’s Specialist, I noticed that she had a love for art and that she is incredibly talented. When our CDC was coming up I was looking for someone to make a JAG poster to enter into the competition. I gave Sadie the information and told her the day I needed to send in the poster and that she could make it however she wanted. When Sadie brought the painting to me the day it was due, I asked her to give me an interpretation of her work and I was blown away. Sadie has such a passion and deep understanding when it comes to art. When Sadie graduates next year, she would like to go to college and put her love of art to work as an art therapist. It is definitely a joy to have Sadie as a JAG-Kansas student, she is going to do amazing things!”
Sadie provided a memorable written description of her interpretation of the poster which read:
“The painting represents us students and where we are right now in our lives. There is no face on the person to represent all of us. We all have our own individual problems and issues, dreams and goals. We all handle them differently; sometimes it feels like we have the weight of the world on our shoulders and that our knees will buckle. The person in my picture has found the strength to handle the pressure the person represents us students. Sometimes we think we can handle it on our own, but sometimes we need support from the outside.” – Sadie Adams