2018 LEAD Montana Conference

Helena, Montana- Over 300 career specialists, students, and table captains mobilized at Jobs for Montana’s Graduates (JMG) 2018 LEAD Montana Conference on October 30, 2018.  Montana Governor Steve Bullock and City of Helena Mayor Wilmot Collins were on hand to help...

2018 NSLA and Leadership Awards Events

JAG National Leadership Awards Events November 14-15, 2018 Jobs for America’s Graduates will conduct its Annual National Leadership Awards Events on November 14-15. Leadership Awards Special Recognition Reception Wednesday, November 14 | 5:30 – 8:00 PM...

SHRM Foundation Grants $155,000

SHRM Foundation Grants $155,000 to Jobs for America’s Graduates and Launches Pilot Program Connecting Students with HR Professionals Helping to prepare high school students for jobs part of SHRM’s focus on the skills gap WASHINGTON, Nov. 15, 2018 — As the Society for...