
Some Users Unable to Logon

Our authentication system database was damaged as a result of a service outage this morning.  Some users who were able to logon fine this morning are no longer able to access the system.  I will restore access as soon as possible, but it might be later this...

Spell Check

In reviewing the requests for updates to E-NDMS, I noticed one for a spell check function.  Fortunately for us, most modern browsers already provide a spell check function.  Notice in the screen shot below the words underlined in the Model Services text...

Board of Directors End-of-Year Meeting

Washington, D.C. ŸNovember 15, 2012 The end-of-year JAG Board meeting was held on November 15 to set the agenda for 2013.  In a very interactive and engaging Board meeting, key decisions were made, including: Re-elected the slate of Directors for three-year...

2012 National Leadership Awards Events—Best Ever!

2012 National Leadership Awards Events—Best Ever! Washington, D.C. ŸNovember 14-15, 2012 On November 14-15, we had one of the largest turnouts and one of the most engaging and successful series of Leadership Awards Events in our history.  Nearly 700 were in...