The Cross Creek High School Career Association in Augusta, Georgia demonstrated its compassion by conducting three events which targeted individuals, groups and organizations that assist people who have been affected or who are living with the debilitating disease call cancer.
The Career Association kicked the year off by having a Black Tie event named, Black Out Cancer and held at the Cross Creek High School. Tickets were sold for $25 each raising much needed funds to help findi a cure for cancer. Eight individuals living with cancer were spotlighted and graced with a “Red Carpet” experience. The Survivors were given evening gowns, gift baskets, hairdos, manicures, and pedicures and much, much more secured by the Jobs for Georgia Graduates’ members.
Members sold ribbons, lanyards, pins, scarves, popcorn and accepted donations to aid in the effort of prevention, education and service. The Career Association raised a total of $1,705 which was donated to the American Cancer Society in honor of the Cross Creek High School principal’s mother who died from cancer.