
Clarence Mingo

VP of ESG and Corporate Affairs T. Marzetti Company

Former Franklin County Auditor

Clarence Mingo’s life and career have been about service to his country and his community. A veteran of the United States Army, Clarence answered the call of service and served honorably with the coalition forces that liberated Kuwait during the 1991 Persian Gulf War. Upon his return, Clarence attended The Ohio State University where he earned his undergraduate and law degree in a little more than five years. He then re-focused his commitment to service to his community as an attorney in private practice, helping to protect those citizens most in need. Franklin County courts frequently appointed Clarence to serve as a Guardian ad Litem (child advocate), representing the interests of children in abuse, neglect and divorce cases.  He also serviced the Legal Aid Society of Columbus’ Neighborhood Service’s project. In this capacity, Clarence was one of three attorneys who represented indigent county residents with legal issues involving housing, public benefits, civil protective orders, and custody matters. He also fought for funding in an effort to expand and further develop the project’s reach and influence on the indigent population in Columbus, Ohio. In 2007, the late Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court, Thomas J. Moyer, appointed Clarence as a Commissioner in the Ohio Court of Claims. Clarence served as one of seven Commissioners with statewide appellate jurisdiction in victims of crime cases. In 2009, Clarence was appointed as Franklin County Auditor and served two consecutive 4 year terms. As Auditor, Clarence served as the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Appraiser of Real Property for Franklin County (Columbus, Ohio). The county’s billion dollar real estate portfolio and revenue stream fell under his charge, as did technology operations and consumer services. Clarence and his staff of 200 were often awarded national and statewide recognition for innovation and the practice of good government In 2011, Governor John Kasich appointed Clarence to serve on Ohio’s Lottery Commission where he undertook a lead role on the Commission’s Audit and Problem Gambling Committees. 2012 proved to be an equally busy year, as Clarence was asked to serve as a Delegate to the Republican National Convention, and was appointed to the RNC’s Platform Committee tasked with writing the Republican Platform for 2012-2016. As 2012 ended, Clarence was called upon to serve on Ohio’s Gubernatorial Selection Committee to recommend the appointment of a Justice to Ohio’s Supreme Court. In 2014, Clarence was featured by MSNBC as a “Rising Leader” in the state of Ohio. In 2016, Clarence announced his candidacy to become the State Treasurer of Ohio, and served as an Alternate Delegate for Governor John Kasich’s 2016 presidential campaign. After an unsuccessful bid for a third term as Auditor, Clarence was appointed as Vice President of ESG and Corporate Affairs for the T. Marzetti Company. Clarence continues to maintain a focused passion for people and thoughtful policy. He and his wife Angela married in 1992 and have two daughters, Annalise and Ava Mingo. The family resides in New Albany, Ohio and look forward to greater opportunities for service.