
iJAG Student Chosen to Attend OpportunityNation in NYC

by | Nov 7, 2011 | Uncategorized

Carolina Aguilar, an iJAG Early College Success program student at Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC), was chosen as  1 of the 100 students selected to attend a nationwide summit, OpportunityNation (www.opportunitynation.org) in New York City on November 3rd -5th, 2011, with DMACC President, Rob Denson.  Carolina was nominated by her iJAG Career Coach, Don Southammavong, at DMACC to attend the summit.   

“The summit, co-convened by TIME Magazine, United Way Worldwide, AARP, AARP Foundation, and Ford Foundation, and supported by a coalition of more than 160 businesses, nonprofits, educational institutions, and faith communities – "opportunity generators" – is focused on highlighting tangible ways to create more opportunity in America” (www.opportunitynation.org)

Carolina was born in Des Moines, Iowa and attended East High School.  While in high school, Carolina was a part of the iJAG (Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates) program that helps students with multiple barriers graduate high school and continue into postsecondary education.  Carolina grew up with multiple barriers to graduating high school.  She overcame those barriers with the help of iJAG and now is a proud advocate of the program.  Carolina was the first in her family to graduate high school and attend college. She is majoring in Biology and Dental Hygiene.   

She volunteers at many iJAG high school events and serves as a role model to other students that are struggling.  “I can help them see that they can graduate high school and continue their education just like I did”, said Carolina.   In her limited free time, Carolina volunteers as part of the iJAG Early College Success Program, enjoys playing soccer and is very active at her church, Ministerio Nuevo Amanecer,  She is an amazing role model to her community and represented iJAG and Iowa proudly at Opportunity/Nation.