During the 2009-2010 school year, JAG initiated programs at four high schools in the Virgin Islands; two on St. Thomas and two on St. Croix. JAG-VI is one of 33 state and territory affiliates of the National JAG Organization. This is the second time that JAG has been introduced in the Virgin Islands. Through the work of the Job Specialist and the collaboration of the Virgin Islands Department of Education JAG exists in the public high schools. The JAG-VI program teaches performance competencies instrumental in students succeeding in school, thriving in the workplace, and leading productive and fulfilling lives.In 2010-2011 the four programs served 50 students (25 freshman and 25 sophomores). The goal for the 2011-2012 academic year was the implementation of four new JAG-VI programs across the territory, to extend the program to 9th-12th grade, and to provide 12 months of follow-up. The re-introduction of the program was spearheaded by Governor John P. de Jongh Jr.
Governor de Jongh Jr. invited employers and local leaders to meet JAG President Ken Smith and to review the Virgin Islands program. All the invited guests in attendance are active in their communities and assist in achieving two objectives for JAG-VI: identifying funding for the program and gaining access to employment opportunities. The objective of the meeting was to brief the attendees on the JAG-Virgin Island programs, to provide these USVI employers and leaders an understanding of JAG, and an opportunity to meet Ken Smith.
The attendees included:
John Wessel, Owner, and Laurence Richards, GEC, a general contractor with projects on the three islands.
Ken Floyd, VI Paving (asphalt paving).
Richard Berry, President of Bellows International, the largest distributor in the VI; he is also president of the St. Thomas-St. John Chamber of Commerce.
Cornel Williams, President of International Capital and Management.
Lisa Hamilton, Executive Director, and Trudi Prior, President, of the Hotel Association. Prior is also the owner of Coral World.
Jennifer Matarangas-King, Director of Government Affairs, and Seth Davis, President, of Innovative.
Scott Bradley, head of My Brothers Workshop which works with at-risk youth, most of which have completely given up on school.
Rafael Ramirez Casablanca, head of Human Resources of Diageo, plc
- Zach Zoller and James Dixon own several restaurants on St. Thomas