A Special iJAG Project for a Special iJAG Program

DAVENPORT, Iowa– Students Central High in James Porter's class are working on a special kind of project for a special program. The class created and designed album covers using their favorite songs they hear on the radio to best represent themselves. This...

JAG-Montana Class Delivers Christmas Tree

by Caleb M. Soptelean POLSON – Helping others in need was on the agenda for some Polson High School students this month. Students in Mark Rochin’s Jobs for Montana’s Graduates class delivered five Christmas trees to needy families last week. The...

Aspen Institute’s Working in America

In 2016, the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program held six public discussions as part of Working in America, an ongoing discussion series that explores changes in the structure and culture of work and highlights promising approaches to help low- and...

AT&T Investment Assists JAG-MO Students

ST. LOUIS -Students at Normandy High School and Jennings Educational Training School (JETS) are benefiting this year from contributions made by AT&T Missouri. The contributions are supporting the Jobs for America's Graduates program at both schools. Officials...