
JAG Program Success at Pittsburg (KS) High School

The name of the program is called "Jobs for America's Graduates" or JAG for short. It identifies students at risk of dropping out of high school, then helps them stay in school, graduate, and go right into the workforce. If they chose, they can even go...

National Student Leadership Academy

The 2015-16 school year is under way and it is time to start thinking about the National Student Leadership Academy December 3-5, 2015. Please use the link below to access forms and information for the event.   National Student Leadership Academy...

Jobs for Tennessee’s Graduates-Blue Jeans Go Green

Each JAG affiliate and the students who participate choose service projects each academic year to contribute to their home communities and meet the program requirement for volunteer or community service hours.  The JAG Tennessee Graduates Class of 2015 and...

JAG Kansas Recognizes Governor Brownback

In Topeka, the Kansas branch of the Jobs for America’s Graduates program presented Governor Sam Brownback with an honorary challenge coin at the State Capitol Building. In addition, he was presented with letters of appreciation from participants in the...

2015 JAG National Training Seminar Registration Packet

The National Training Seminar is the annual professional development op- portunity for the 32-state JAG National Network. Make plans to participate in a Pre-NTS Professional Development Workshop, July 13-15, fol- lowed by the 32nd Annual National Training Seminar,...