
Savannah, GA Students Prepare Cards for Soldiers

Each year the American Red Cross provides assistance to more than 2 million service members and many of our nation’s 24 million veterans. They support military families, military and veterans hospitals and provide emergency communication across the globe. And...

MyTarius Thomas Story

MyTarius Thomas, a 2011 graduate of Leesville High School in Leesville, Louisiana, was asked to share his story at the 2013 Louisiana State Leadership Conference. Unfortunately, he was scheduled to report to U.S. Army basic training  at Fort Sill, Oklahoma on the...

JAG hopes to help at-risk youths continue education

With a mission to focus on the labor market for teens, minorities and low-income youth, Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG), founded in 1980 by former Delaware Gov. Pete DuPont, is a nonprofit organization aimed at helping the youth, particularly at-risk youth,...