
Workforce Pathways for Youth Winners

Jobs for America’s Graduates in partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration is pleased to announce five new sub-grantees for the Workforce Pathways for Youth program.  The new states will be joining five existing sub-grantees...

Ken Smith Scholarship Winners Announced

The Kenneth M. Smith Scholarship Fund and the Smith Scholars Program were established by the JAG Board to recognize the extraordinary leadership and service of the President and Chief Executive Officer of JAG, Inc., Kenneth M. Smith. Since 2009, the Kenneth M. Smith...

Best Practices Workshops

National Training Seminar July 11-15, 2022 | Las Vegas, Nevada JAG is searching for extraordinary workshop presenters!  JAG Specialists, Managers, and Administrators are invited to submit a proposal for a “best practices” workshop on targeted topics to...