
Jobs for Montana’s Graduates-Fundraising for a Cause

A hallmark of the JAG program is community service. Being active in the community and helping others teaches JAG students humility and raises their self-esteem.  In a small town in Montana, the Roberts School Junior High Jobs for Montana Graduates class worked...

JAG Goes To College

Nicole Padilla pads across the campus of Thomas College wearing boots, leggings, and a thick, dark sweatshirt bearing the school's name. It's clear as she heads inside the Harold Alfond Academic Center and sidles up to a small coffee bar to order her first...

Montana JAG Supports One of Their Own

Most high school students can count grades and parents as the top stressors in their lives but many JAG students face adversity that goes well beyond the “normal” stress of life as a teenager and then there a few JAG students  that face serious health...